Don’t follow the structure you premade, take feedback.
Eyes get stuck to the screen. (blank screens white or black)
You just put something together without knowing where your students are at.
- Avoid too much content.
- Avoid too fast of a pace
- Pictures can be distractors.
Be Pragmatic –
he knew what the information is
but he knew where I was and what questions I have to answer
Develop a Rapport: Be Personable
Have activities and tasks (pertinent, rapport building)
Start with a story hitting the three marks above. Use a video.
STORIES in lecture: should these three marks
- See themselves as professionals
- Assess their own learning gaps
- Pay attention to new knowledge
Consider hand drawn animation using iPad and a tool tip.
Draw your own Pictures.
Have clear times:
- Time to look at me
- Time to look at video
- Time to look at picture/text
- Time to do formative assessment
Have an Assessment strategy:
- Use Concept mapping for topics like Motor Physiology, Basal Ganglia anatomy,
- Use write a test question by the fellows (based on what we learn today).
- Consider Exit ticket for the Grand rounds
- Ask to draw the picture on topics like basal ganglia
7 Rules to teaching
- Know where your students are at and teach what they need.
- Show them the path of learning (how to organize).
- Motivate the students with stories/activity
- Mastery = skills + practice + application
- Students need to know specific learning goal (objective)
- Climate of the course impacts learning.
- Ask students how should they be evaluated (self-directed learning).
Rapport Building Activities:
- Most Effective teacher I had?
- KETCH UP BOTTLE Experiment: Picture me in ketchup bottle (Heinz up, Heinz down, Plastic dispenser, Not at all)
- Metaphor Activity: What is your role? Draw yourself as a Metaphor for (teacher, student, resident).
Open with a Bang:
Know where your students are at!
Build rapport (do an activity, and/or show a video)
Set clear learning goals (objectives)
Why is it important
Remember: Climate of the course impacts learning.
Skills = provide relevant information in a dynamic fashion.
Follow the rabbit.
Practice= Have an affirmative testing strategy. (may be dispersed)
Redirect with the feedback
Don’t follow the slides blindly.
? Jumping around the slides? interactive slide deck? like a website
Application: Exit strategy:
Concept mapping
Write test question
Exit ticket?
Draw a picture?
Flipped learning: Give them handout to search more information to read afterwards based on their identified gaps (self-directed and self-paced learning)
Ask me questions, I am available, reach out to me.
I can send you more information.